Is the So-Called Iran Plot
Part of Britain's Planned Coup?
Oct. 13, 2011 (EIRNS)—EIR cannot answer that question at this time, nor say definitively whether the story of an alleged Iranian plan to kill the Saudi ambassador to the U.S.—which is being broadly characterized as bizarre, if not totally incredible—is true or not. What can be said, is that the preparations for carrying out a Hitler-style coup in the United States are active and underway. Is the Iranian plot discussion just a diversion? Or might it feed into the coup plans? The way that the Obama Administration has mobilized in response to the alleged assassination plot so far, would be consistent with this announcement being used as a ruse.
Intelligence experts on Iran have raised serious questions about the allegations made, saying that the modus operandi is highly uncharacteristic of Iran, and questioning what Iran would achieve by its success.
Other observers have noted the timing of the revelation, coming as it does when the Obama Administration is under increasing pressure from Congress on its illegal and scandalous activity.