Former Iranian Diplomat:
British Empire Is Behind
Policy of Conflicts and War
Nov. 25, 2011 (EIRNS)—In a message read on his behalf at a Schiller Institute conference in Berlin on Nov. 19, former Iranian diplomat Bijan Bahadorvand Shenhi provided the vital service of identifying the British Imperial hand behind the global policy of "irrational conflicts and bloody clashes" which is currently threatening to move the world into World War III.
He began thus:
"There is a very popular saying among the Iranian people, that 'the hand of England'—or, as we say in Persian, 'kar inglise'—"is behind whatever happens in political and governmental affairs," and further that the 'divide and conquer policy' has always been the guiding light of the policy of the British Empire. Whenever and wherever you find irrational conflicts and bloody clashes, be they in religious, ethnic, or regional affairs, then and there you should expect to find the manipulating hand of the Great British Empire."
After reviewing elements of the British imperial strategy against Iran over the 20th century, he concluded:
"Perhaps Iranians are traditionally and historically better positioned to sense the impulses or read the mind of the British Empire, that as long as this creature lives, any level of damage or destruction is possible.
"It knows no limits. The Europeans and Americans may not immediately understand that even Hitler was 'Made in England,' but the deeply wounded Indians, Chinese, Iranians, Africans know and believe it that England was behind it, or, as we say, 'kar kare inglise'. Let us step forward to stop this Gollum from making wars and making business out of wars."
The full speech will be in the next edition of EIR Online.