Italian Taxi Union Leader
Puts LaRouche's Economics
in the Spotlight
Jan. 17, 2012 (EIRNS)—Italian national television corporation RAI announced a program to air tonight at 23.30, which will lead off with Lyndon LaRouche's celebrated interview in 2003. The program will air on Radiodue, and feature the same author who interviewed LaRouche in April 2003. The program will lead with LaRouche's statement of that time: "The entire financial and monetary system is close to destruction. We do not know exactly the day of the final collapse, but it will come soon."
LaRouche's prominence comes in the wake of the national sensation being caused by the interventions of Tuscany taxi union leader and Movisol (Italian LaRouche movement) representative Claudio Giudici, who has led a highly public resistance to the austerity measures of the recently imposed technocratic government in Italy.
Giudici is becoming a household word after numerous TV and radio shows interviewed "the taxi driver who wrote to the Financial Times." Giudici's most prominent intervention was on the Jan. 12 popular tv political talk show Servizio Pubblico, conducted by former RAI journalist Michele Santoro. Giudici exposed the government's intention to liberalize professions such as taxi drivers, pharmacists, news vendors etc. as "a weapon of mass distraction", to avoid addressing the real problems. He also called for a Glass-Steagall-like banking separation and invited the host to interview Lyndon LaRouche.
Giudici's interview on Italian TV can be viewed at EIR's interview with the taxi union leader on the Jan. 14 LaRouche Show can be found in The LaRouche Show archive.