Jacques Cheminade Presidential Campaign 'Breaks Out' in France
Feb. 2, 2012 (EIRNS)—In a development with the potential to badly disrupt both the war and dictatorship plans of the British Empire, on Jan. 31, LaRouche co-thinker Jacques Cheminade announced that he had gathered the required 500 signed commitments [from elected officials] needed to acquire ballot status to run for President. The first round of the French Presidential elections is scheduled for April 22.
Cheminade made his announcement during several media events during the day, including a 10-minute primetime morning interview on Radio Monte Carlo (with 800,000 listeners), a press conference in Paris to release his campaign book (A World without The City and Wall Street: A Great Construction Site for Tomorrow), and an appearance on a national talk show in the evening.
The journalists on the evening show were flabbergasted that Cheminade had succeeded in gathering the commitments, especially when allegedly major candidates, such as Member of Parliament Marine LePen of the National Front, had not yet done so. Cheminade was also successful in getting on the ballot in 1995, although the establishment responded with a major political targetting. Revelations of law-breaking by the other candidates in that race since, and their getting off the hook, while Cheminade was slammed, has made Cheminade something of a folk hero in certain sections of the population.
Cheminade's platform of Glass-Steagall, global reconstruction, and the restoration of national sovereignty has the potential to catapult him into the very center of the election campaign, with dramatic implications for disrupting the French-British alliance.