EIR Brings Out New Products:
A Special Report and
Two of Its Classic Books
Feb. 20, 2012 (EIRNS)—EIR is pleased to announce that it is now offering a set of new products, including a Special Report, and two of its classic books, previously out of print. All are crucial to the immediate fight required to restore the United States to its Constitutional roots, and defeat the current threat to civilization represented by the British Empire.
The Special Report, "The New Economics," features the science driver program which economist Lyndon LaRouche has worked out with his LPAC Basement scientific team, as the only basis for putting the U.S. and world economies back onto the road of progress. In contrast to the idiots who claim the U.S. is in a recovery, and insist on more of the same bailout policy, LaRouche laid out in his State of the Union a perspective for physical economic growth starting with three crucial programs: first, the North American Water and Power Alliance; second, a program for Arctic Development; and third, the Moon-Mars colonization program.
The report, available in the EIR Store, sells for $100 (in PDF or hard copy), and entitles the buyer to a three-month complementary subscription to EIR, as well.
The new books are "How the Nation Was Won," by historian H. Graham Lowry, and Lyndon LaRouche's "Economics of the Noösphere." Until recently out of print, Lowry's classic tells the real story of the conspiracy that built the American Revolution, beginning with the Massachusetts Bay colony. LaRouche's book features a series of ground-breaking writings on economy, incorporating the vital contributions of Russian biogeochemist Vladimir Vernadsky.
EIR will be bringing a whole series of previously out-of-print books in the immediate period ahead. Check the EIR store often for updates.