Cheminade Shakes Up France
with Filing for Presidential Ballot
March 12, 2012 (EIRNS)—The March 8 filing by LaRouche's French co-thinker Jacques Cheminade, of more than sufficient signatures of local officials to qualify for the Presidential ballot, has shaken up the French political scene. Cheminade has so far filed 538 signatures, and is expected to file more before the March 19 filing deadline.
A flurry of press coverage has greeted the filing, much of it surprisingly accurate in terms of presenting Cheminade's central platform for restoring economic sanity to the nation, starting with a form of Glass-Steagall banking separation, and going on to state credit for massive infrastructure projects. Of course, there have also been the usual slanders, to be expected especially from the government-connected media outlets.
Cheminade's national reputation was made in his 1995 Presidential campaign, when he was the first major French politician to not only diagnose the "financial AIDS" which led to the current economic breakdown crisis, but to put forward a solution.
The final announcement of certifications for the Presidential ballot will be made on March 20.