Baptist Group Condemns
a Planned Iran War, Calls upon
Obama To Lift Sanctions
April 4, 2012 (EIRNS)—The directors of the Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America have adopted a statement, issued as an open letter to President Obama, which urges him to shelve all plans to attack Iran, itself a trigger for a nuclear world war. The BPFNA, headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., represents 75 Baptist churches in the United States and Canada. The March 28 open letter, signed by Fellowship president Cheryl Dudley, asserts, "The people of the United States have been living in a state of fear for too long. Far too many policies—bad policies—have been made based on this fear. It is time to turn toward faith and hope and peace." This is "especially true as yet another round of warmongering begins over Iran."
The letter stresses,
"It appears political leaders in the United States and Israel may be seriously calculating the benefits and risks of attacking Iran. If so, they are pushing the world to moral, financial, ecological and diplomatic peril. This we vigorously protest."