Syria Denounces 'Enemies of Syria'
War Council in Turkey
April 4, 2012 (EIRNS)—UN Special Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan disclosed to the UN Security Council April 2 that he had received written notification that the Syrian government will withdraw troops and heavy weapons from population centers by April 10, and that the opposition will then have 48 hours to cease its military operations. Annan also said that he is already working on a plan with the Syrian government for the UN to monitor the ceasefire. This agreement from Syria is precisely what Annan and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov have called for.
Meanwhile, the so-called "Friends of Turkey" meeting in Istanbul on April 1 was another British Empire operation that threatens the start of a thermonuclear war.
The starkest recognition of this reality came from Syria itself, through UN Ambassador Bashar al-Jaafari, who spoke at the Security Council April, after Joint Special Envoy Kofi Annan gave a report on the first stages of his talks with the Syrian government and the opposition to implement a ceasefire plan.
"The so-called conference of the enemies of Syria is in itself a violation and contradiction of Kofi Annan's mission," Jaafari said, according to the New York Times. "This is a parallel track set up by enemies of Syria to compete with Kofi Annan's mission, maybe to undermine his mission."
The policies of the Turkish government which hosted the meeting, and which is housing the Syrian National Council and the Free Syrian Army, "are the enemy of Syria," said Jaafari. "This is a declaration of war by this country," adding that the Turks "are calling for a change of regime around the clock. This is not a friendly reaction by a neighbor government.
Indeed, the meeting was nothing but a war council to fund the defeated foreign forces of the Syrian opposition with a new $100 million fund that includes money to pay for the salaries of the so-called "Free Syrian Army." The official communiqué of the Friends of Syria doesn't mention arming the opposition, or removing Assad from the Presidency, but it provides for mega-financing to be done on a country by country basis.