Cheminade Launches Final Call:
Vote for a Pantagruel against
the Panurges in Politics!
April 20, 2012 (EIRNS)—Just hours before the Presidential campaigning comes to an end at midnight tonight, Jacques Cheminade put out a forceful call, "Why It Is Necessary To Vote for Me," available both in video and written form.
The first reason is negative: Because he rejects the legacy of the regime of the party system;
The second is because he foresaw the crisis in 1995 and thus inspires confidence, and
Thirdly, because he posed the decisive question in this campaign: the state must retake control of its debt, i.e., the issuing of credit and currency, with a national bank and a public investment counter-pole to ECB bailouts and a balanced budget.
Cheminade recalls that he was the first to denounce the blackmail against the French state in the form of the Eurex financial instruments, and to attack the world of the City of London and Wall Street.
"The storm is approaching; a vote for me means choosing a Pantagruel over the Panurges in politics."
Otherwise, what has been truly remarkable is the mobilization of networks Cheminade has built up over the years, many of whom decided to become active for the first time and others who were re-moralized into action by Cheminades' courage and by the glaring importance of his program as compared to the irrelevant squabbles among other candidates. Some of those contacts have become capable local spokesmen for the campaign.
This gives Cheminade and his movement a tremendous base for the June 10 legislative elections, and the slate of 100 candidates that the Solidarité et Progrès Party intends to present throughout the country. A few people unknown to the campaign have already written to the Twitter account or email address offering to run on our slate.
Indicative of the reactions is the Deputy Mayor of Vimoutiers, Philippe Touchain, who explains in a blog on Mediapart why he has decided for Cheminade, as the only candidate who proposes a solution to the financial crisis (Glass-Steagall, reining in derivatives markets, ending tax havens, etc.)
Also, journalist Christophe Barbier of RTL, who has interviewed Cheminade several times, specially posted on his blog a comment that Cheminade made, to the effect that in 1969, he had worked as a trainee at Le Monde, and was considering becoming a Latin American correspondent for the daily. Today, Cheminade finds the policy of ostracism totally intolerable at the daily founded by Hubert Beuve-Méry, a Résistance fighter and anti-fascist, who founded Le Monde in 1944.
In the comments to this blog,
One person writes: "At first, I thought he was dangerous, then crazy, then a gentle dreamer, but then I noticed the condescension, the aggressiveness and the boycott used against him by several journalists ... and then I looked into his program. By myself, because I wouldn't have heard about it in most media. And now — in particular because of his anti-crisis proposals, I'm going to vote for him."
The next comment reads: "I totally agree, and I will do the same."
Third comment: "That makes three of us who will vote for Cheminade. I have the same analysis as you."
There are many more good comments, including against Le Monde, that are indicative of the attitude among many, to Cheminade..