Confirmation Hearing for Derek
Chollet, Pusher of War on Syria
April 23, 2012 (EIRNS)—Resistance from the Pentagon has been the major obstacle to launching thermonuclear war against Russia and China. But on April 26, the Senate Armed Services Committee will be holding a confirmation hearing for Derek Chollet, author of the notorious "Plan B" for Syria, to be assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs. Since his "Plan B" for Syria, would lead directly to confrontation with China and Russia, it's likely that his assignment at the Pentagon will be to break down military resistance to such a war. As reported last week, Chollet has been at the National Security Council since he left the State Department when his mentor, Ann-Marie Slaughter, went back to her perch at Princeton. They are both part of the hardcore "humanitarian interventionist" British agent crowd that is increasingly dominating the Nerobama Administration.