Dangerous Stalemate Between
London's Obama and Russia
June 19, 2012 (EIRNS)—Lyndon LaRouche again warned, in several venues over the past week, that the world is only a hair-trigger away from generalized war. The Mideast is the crucial location at this point in time, he stressed, and Russian President Putin is the major factor in the international process, because right now, he is "the one who's preventing the world war from happening."
"If he makes a mistake in the Middle East, you're dead. Because there will be thermonuclear war. Putin is what stands between you and thermonuclear war. How soon is that? Very soon."
Also weighing in against an all-out conflict pitting Russia against the United States and Europe are military leaders in the United States, most emphatically the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey.
Whereas the British geopolitical gameplan, as carried out by President Obama, was to move immediately against Syria and Iran, after the Libya bloodbath, the firm Russian position of defending international law, and the principled opposition of Dempsey to such reckless military adventurism, have so far blocked it.
If Putin were to give in to demands by forces from the United States, Britain, and others, LaRouche warned,
"Putin would collapse, not as President of Russia, but as a force in the planet. That's why he's not making concessions and will not make concessions."
That reading was borne out in the recent confrontations between the United States and Russia, specifically between Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, and Presidents Obama and Putin. The former clashed over charges of alleged Russian arms sales to Syria; the latter, over the issue of regime change in Syria. In both cases, the Russians did not give an inch.
And in case anyone thought the missile defense issue was off the table, Putin's June 19 comment at the G20 summit should dispel that: "I think that the missile defense issue will not be solved regardless of whether Obama is [re-]elected or not," he told reporters.
"I think that something can radically change only in the case if the U.S. agrees with our proposal, which says that Russia, Europe, and the U.S. were equal participants in this process."