Feinstein Points to White House
As Source of National Security Leaks
July 23, 2012 (EIRNS)—Speaking at a forum of the Washington World Affairs Council today, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), chairwoman of the Senate Permanent Committee on Intelligence, directly hit the White House on the leaking of national security secrets.
According to a Washington Post account, Senator Feinstein said:
"I think the White House has to understand that some of this is coming from their ranks. I don't believe for a moment that he [Obama] goes out and talks about it [the daily intelligence briefs he receives]... But who knows who else" might be using the information?
US News & World Report added that Feinstein referred to the new book, Confront and Conceal: Obama's Secret Wars and Surprising Use of American Power, by David Sanger to emphasize the White House involvement in the leaks.
"There's one book they can read and they'll see it very carefully."
On July 24, the Senate Intelligence Committee will be holding a closed meeting to discuss the leaks and possible legislation to increase penalties and protections.
In early June, Feinstein took the lead, along with House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI), to demand a full investigation of the leaks. Republicans are still committed to having a Special Prosecutor conduct the investigation, especially after Attorney General Eric Holder, who appointed two DOJ in-house U.S. Attorneys to investigate, was found in contempt of Congress.