Scientist Antonino Zichichi
Warned of Nuclear War in Middle East,
at Last August's Erice Seminar
Nov. 1, 2012 (EIRNS)—Introducing this year's International Seminars on Planetary Emergencies in Erice, Italy, on Aug. 19-24, chairman Antonino Zichichi warned of the danger of nuclear war coming from the Middle East. Only a local website, and no national or international media, covered this.
The local site Telesud wrote on its website:
Opening the proceedings of the Erice International Seminars on Planetary Emergencies, Antonino Zichichi said that 'there is a threat of a nuclear war in the Middle East.' The danger of nuclear war is, for Zichichi, 'a new worldwide emergency' added to the existing ones, such as international terrorism. In the 1980s, Erice played a fundamental role in promoting the dialogue between the two superpowers, U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. In this medieval place, in fact, in the middle of the 'Cold War' the advisors for Reagan and Gorbachov, respectively, Edward Teller and Yevgeni Velikhov, spoke to each other. And today, scientists gathered at Erice, as then, intend to hold dialogues without secrets and without borders."
Numerous personalities were present, including former Czech President Vaclav Klaus, the Italian Ministers of Defense and Interior, as well as international scientists.
Lord Christopher Monckton addressed "Climate Problems and the Future of the IPCC," in which a refutation of man-made climate change was among the prominent issues discussed.
Another panel was dedicated to defense of Earth from cosmic objects, featuring Walter Huebner, J.D. Walker, and Catherine Plesko from the U.S.A. and Anatoly Zaitsev from Russia.
The complete program of the event is available: