Blair Demands 'Generation of War'
Feb. 7, 2013 (EIRNS)In an interview with BBC on Feb. 3, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair called for a "generation of war" against al-Qaeda and other Jihadist groups all over the globe. He compared the ongoing global war on terrorism to the West's 45-year Cold War with the Soviet Union, and heaped praise on French President Hollande for deploying French troops into Mali to beat back a jihadist insurgency, that was threatening to take over the country's capital. However, he neglected to mention that both Britain and the United States have been allied with al-Qaeda and other Anglo-Saudi backed jihadists in the overthrow of the Qaddafi government in Libya and in the ongoing effort to overthrow the Assad government in Syria.
Blair's rantings about permanent war resonated in Munich over the same weekend, at the annual international conference on global security. NATO Secretary General Rasmussen delivered a Blair-esque speech, in which he declared that the military alliance would deploy throughout the globe, wherever their interests were threatened. He said he saw an "arc of crises stretching from the Sahel to Central Asia," and added that NATO's future mission, following the withdrawal from Afghanistan, would be global in scope, and would deploy special operations forces, rapid reaction forces, and missile defense capabilities to secure NATO dominance.
Meanwhile, the Empire's global warwhich clearly targets Russia and China as the most powerful defenders of national sovereigntyhas expanded dangerously.
A few days before the Munich security conference, Israel, under British agent Netanyahu, engaged in a thoroughly illegal military action inside sovereign Syrian territory, an action that Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak openly endorsed. On Jan. 29, Israeli fighter jets invaded Syrian air space to bomb at least two targets: a military research facility outside of Damascus and a truck caravan that Israel claimed was carrying advanced scud missiles to Hezbollah in Lebanon. No evidence has been presented to verify the Israeli claims.
Under any circumstances, the Israeli action was a flagrant violation of international law, aimed at escalating the two-year destabilization of Syria by NATO countries, together with Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Far worse, the Israeli bombings were the first direct military actions by an outside power against Syria since the start of the destabilization. Israel has threatened further attacks, which could quickly escalate the conflict.
And it is yet to be determined whether the Israeli bombing raid into Syria will be viewed by future historians as the opening salvo of World War III.