The Dallah Avco Connection:
Will Reopened 9/11 Case Nail
Bandar, Basnan, and al-Bayoumi?
May 3, 2013 (EIRNS)The fact that the recent Court of Appeals ruling, reinstating part of the case brought against Saudi Arabia by survivors and relatives of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, has included Dallah Avco, a Saudi defense firm with close ties to the Ministry of Defense and Aviation, could blow open the entire 9/11 coverup.
Dallah Avco is at the heart of the 9/11 plot, through a Saudi intelligence operative named Omar al-Bayoumi. As widely reported by EIR, al-Bayoumi was an employee of the Saudi Ministry of Defense and Aviation in Saudi Arabia until 1994, when he moved to the San Diego, California area and was hired by Dallah Avco. Al-Bayoumi was a no-show employee at Dallah Avco, and his salary and expenses were reimbursed to Dallah by the Saudi Ministry of Defense and Aviation.
Al-Bayoumi, and another Saudi named Osama Basnan, were Saudi intelligence operatives. From Jan. 15, 2000, the day that two of the lead 9/11 hijackers arrived at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) from Malaysia, where they had attended an al-Qaeda planning session, al-Bayoumi and Basnan were the sponsors and handlers of the terrorist duo. Nawaf Alhazmi and Khalid Almihdar were met near LAX by al-Bayoumi and Basnan, brought to San Diego, set up in an apartment co-signed by the two Saudi intelligence agents, enrolled in flight schools, and otherwise totally supported by them. For a period of time, the two future hijackers of American Airlines Flight 77 lived in the same Parkwood Apartments complex in San Diego as Basnan and al-Bayoumi.
During the period that they were "handling" the two future hijackers, al-Bayoumi was receiving additional tens of thousands of dollars a month in "expenses" from Dallah Avco. At the same time, beginning at the exact time the two terrorists arrived on the West Coast, al-Bayoumi and Basnan also began getting monthly checks from Prince Bandar-bin Sultan and his wife Princess Haifa.
Ultimately, between January 2000 and the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, al-Bayoumi and Basnan got between $50,000-$72,000 from the Bandar account. According to a senior U.S. intelligence officials who has been involved in investigating Saudi intelligence operations inside the United States, Basnan was, at one point, busted by police on drug trafficking charges on the West Coast; however, an intervention by officials of the Saudi Embassy in Washington got the charges dropped.
In July 2001, just weeks before 9/11, Omar al-Bayoumi moved to England, ostensibly to enroll in a graduate program. Ultimately, al-Bayoumi returned to Saudi Arabia.
Prince Bandar bin-Sultan is currently the head of the Saudi General Intelligence Directorate, the agency for which al-Bayoumi and Basnan are believed to work.