Executive Intelligence Review
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New Report Outlines ‘Nuclear NAWAPA XXI: Gateway to the Fusion Economy’

Sept. 10, 2013 (EIRNS)—A Special Report by 21st Century Science & Technology presents the LaRouche Scientific Team's outline for the urgently needed shift from the threat of thermonuclear war, now hanging over the planet, to the development of thermonuclear fusion power for worldwide economic development.

The report lays out the new economy to be developed with a nuclear NAWAPA XXI, establishing a fusion economy as its driver. It begins with fusion, covering the current state of fusion research and nuclear applications besides electricity, such as peaceful nuclear explosions for earth-moving, and the ultimate in resource extraction: the plasma torch, which can break up any material into its elemental components. These technologies are within reach: the past few decades have seen a 10,000-fold increase in a key fusion parameter, which requires only another 10-fold increase to achieve controlled fusion. Appendices expand on the concept of energy flux density and breakthroughs to be made in the field of high energy-density physics.

The next article introduces the North American water cycle, the current water challenges the U.S. faces, and how nuclear power will transform the NAWAPA XXI system. Water that currently plays no role in the biosphere or human economy will become more productive, and thus more valuable. And by making use of the evapotranspirative multiplier provided by plant life, every unit of water introduced by the system will have a greater effect. This project can change the fundamental character of the climate of the Western states.

With an understanding of the continent's hydrology, the report then jumps into the implementation of solutions: desalination and NAWAPA XXI. During the decades required to bring the full system online, immediate mass-production of nuclear desalination plants can provide immediate relief and water security to coastal areas as well as inland areas suffering from saline intrusion.

Nuclear agro-industrial complexes, which demonstrate many of the non-electrical uses of nuclear processes, are taken up next. A past breakthrough, coal, provided more than an improvement over wood for home heating, by allowing for new metallurgical processes as well. So too will economic planning incorporating nuclear complexes make use of the high-temperature process heat and unique isotopes of nuclear power.

The Report concludes with a proposed Pacific Development Corridor, based on high energy-density development, including high-speed magnetic levitation transportation. Rather than pursuing a military and economic encirclement of Russia and China, this concept is an example of what international relations should be.

21st Century Editor-in-Chief Jason Ross concludes his introduction as follows: "This report provides a full basis for scientists and policy-makers to conceptualize the inspiring future that can be ours, if we grasp it. Doing so will, of course, require some financial housekeeping, including the immediate re-implementation of Glass-Steagall, to free our physical economy from the political (rather than economic) control by money. This proposal is fiercely opposed by the same groupings that have held back fusion, fostered the cult-like environmentalist movement, and who teach our children that their goal in life is to have as little impact on their surroundings as possible. This is a goal of extinction!"

"We are past the point of being able to tolerate this pathological anti-human outlook. Let us now overthrow the stasis demanded by these forces, and be beautifully human, enjoying the thrill of discovery as we do things that are truly new!"

The pamphlet is available in pdf at www.21stcenturysciencetech.com and larouchepac.com. It will soon be available in hard copy for $20.