Obama Administration Uses
Executive Power To Aid Dope, Inc.,
Destroy the U.S. Population
Feb. 17, 2014 (EIRNS)—With the uproar against Obama's abuse of executive power already at a fever pitch, the U.S. Treasury and Justice Department on Feb. 14 did it again—this time using executive power to "legalize" drug money transactions in respect to marijuana.
Both departments issued their own sets of guidelines for conduct by banks, giving them the go-ahead to engage in loans, checking and savings accounts, and other financial services to marijuana operations, despite Federal laws against this in all 50 states. The guidelines are directly in line with the infamous British East India Company's practice to kill people and nations with dope, which the Obama Administration has now restored as an active opium-state legacy for the U.S.A., run through Wall Street/City of London.
Banks can now go for dope trade money in all 20 states and the District of Columbia, where state and D.C. law have legalized marijuana use for "medical" highs, and in Washington and Colorado, for "recreational" highs.
The Treasury Department's February 14 guidelines spell out specifics on how banks relate to marijuana dispensers, who until now, have been using subterfuge bank accounts, or cash. The Justice Department's Feb. 14 guidance orders its U.S. attorneys not to pursue any legal action against banks who follow the new Treasury guidelines, and prior guidelines issued last August.
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee has issued a statement denouncing the Obama Administration's action:
"Marijuana trafficking is illegal under Federal law, and it's illegal for banks to deal with marijuana sale proceeds under Federal law. Only Congress can change these laws. The Administration can't change the law with a memo."
While this violation of the Constitution is not Obama's biggest crime, it should underscore the point: This President should be immediately impeached, before he does more damage to the nation.