Jacobin Fascists
Consolidate Power in Ukraine
Feb. 24, 2014 (EIRNS)This release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee.
Within 72 hours of conducting a coup d'etat in Ukraine, the Nazi-dominated new regime has moved to consolidate its power with the aid of Obama and the EU acting on behalf of the British Empire, which once backed Hitler.
According to Russia Today, the following illegal measures are among those taken by the Supreme Rada (Parliament):
The Ukrainian Parliament voted to oust judges from the country's Constitutional Court for violating their oath of office by ruling in favor of amending the Constitution in 2010. The upper house of the Ukrainian parliament had voted overwhelmingly at the time in support of the measure. In September 2010, Ukraine's Constitutional Court reversed a reform introduced in the wake of the Orange Revolution of 2004, which had limited presidential powers in favor of a British-style parliamentary system. The court said the 2004 reform had been unconstitutional, effectively returning the country to its previous status as a presidential republic. Today's action would be the equivalent of the Congress ousting the Supreme Court, because it insisted upon a presidential republic, as expressed in the U.S. Constitution. This action alone demonstrates the new regime to be unconstitutional and lawless, as in the the case of the Jacobins during the French Revolution.
Parliament has given itself the authority to appoint and sack judges. It also fired the head of Ukraine's High Administrative Court, Igor Temkizhev.
The fascist Svoboda party has submitted a lustration law to the Rada that would see officials who served in the Yanukovych government barred from holding public office in the future. This is no different than the Political Exclusion Law passed in post-Qaddafi Libya by the Muslim Brotherhood and the al-Qaeda affiliated Libyan Islamic Fighting Group to ban all officials who served in the Qaddafi government from holding office in Libya.
An arrest warrant has been issued for the President of Ukraine, Yanukovych, for mass murder, merely three days after the opposition signed an agreement with him to form a coalition government.
The new Prosecutor General is a deputy of the neo-Nazi Svoboda Party.