Capitol Hill Press Conference
Spotlights Saudi 9/11 Complicity
March 12, 2014 (EIRNS)—A bipartisan group of Congressmen, joined by 9/11 family members, held a powerful press conference this morning at the Canon House Office Building to intensify the campaign to force President Barack Obama to declassify the 28-page chapter from the Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 that exposes some of the direct links between the Saudi Royal Family and the terrorists who conducted the biggest terror attack on U.S. soil in history.
Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.), Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) and Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Kty.), all sponsors of House Resolution 428, calling on all Members of Congress to review the 28 pages and for President Obama to fulfill his promise in Feb. 2009 to declassify the entire chapter, were joined by representatives of the families of those killed in the 9/11 attacks. The family representatives were Terry Strada, Alice Hoagland and Sylvia Carver. Other 9/11 family members and one survivor of the World Trade Center attack were also present for the press conference.
There was widespread media attendance, including CNN, CBS-TV, Fox News, WTOP, New York One TV, Hearst, the Philadelphia Inquirer, Hispan TV, and others.
All three Members of Congress gave personal accounts of the experience of reviewing the 28 pages, which came as the result of months of effort by Rep. Jones to get access via the House Select Committee on Intelligence. They each described the Kafka-esque circumstances under which they were allowed to read the document, but not take any notes. They would all face criminal prosecution if they said anything about the content, so Reps. Jones, Lynch and Massie were extremely cautious in what they said about the Saudi role. The family representatives, however, were extremely blunt in naming the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as the financiers and logistical backers of the terrorists. Alice Hoagland emphasized that it was the heroic passengers aboard Flight 93 who battled the hijackers and prevented the plane from reaching its target—the U.S. Capitol Dome.
In response to a question from EIR, Terry Strada confirmed that, in his Feb. 2009 meeting with representatives of the 9/11 families, President Obama had been asked, point blank if he would declassify the 28 pages. His answer, according to people who were in the Oval Office at the time, was “Yes.” More than five years later, Obama has yet to fulfill that promise.
Throughout the press conference, Rep. Jones was passionate that the day’s proceedings was the beginning of a drive to force the truth out. He and the others vowed to keep escalating until the 28 pages are released and the investigation goes publicly forward.
LaRouche PAC video recorded the entire press conference and interviewed several of the press conference speakers afterwards. A full transcript of the event will be posted in the coming days.