The March for NATO-EU Annexation of Ukraine Escalates
March 18, 2014 (EIRNS)—While the international media is blathering about Russia’s purported "annexation" of Crimea, the actual strategic reality is that Obama, NATO, and the EU—all under the British Empire’s drive for thermonuclear war—are escalating their de facto annexation of Ukraine, and their unrelenting expansion of the ballistic-missile defense system which Russia has publicly pronounced a casus belli.
- NATO: Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Andrii Deshchytsya met with NATO Secretary General Rasmussen on Monday, and requested "strengthening efforts to build the capacity of the Ukrainian military and more joint training and exercises." Deshchytsya was promised "increased [NATO] ties with Ukraine’s political and military leadership," according to today’s Guardian.
- EU: The EU summit this coming Thursday and Friday is expected to conclude by signing the first, political part of the "Association Agreement" between the EU and Ukraine—more accurately labeled an "Annexation Agreement"—the very agreement which helped trigger the current crisis in the first place.
- An official nazi military force inside Ukraine is being created by Victoria’s Secret Government, with the establishment of a "National Guard" which will incorporate and arm the Right Sector and other neonazis into the official Ukrainian military forces—exactly what the Russians have repeatedly denounced over the past 72 hours as an unacceptable provocation.
- U.S. Vice President Joe Biden landed in Poland today, where he will meet with top officials of Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia. Today’s Washington Post reports that Biden will "pledge additional security assistance" to Eastern European countries, including establishing forward stationing of BMD sites. An unnamed senior administration official traveling with Biden told the Post that "Biden would tell Eastern European leaders during his meetings that those missile-defense plans remain ‘on track’." If this press account is confirmed, Lyndon LaRouche stated today, then Biden is complicit with Obama’s drive for thermonuclear war.