Are Obama and His NATO Allies About To Trigger World War III?
April 2, 2014 (EIRNS)—Amidst the anti-Russia bluster coming out of the NATO conference in Brussels the past two days is confirmation that the U.S.S. Donald Cook, the Aegis destroyer now home ported in Rota, Spain, as part of NATO’s missile defense mission, will be entering the Black Sea sometime in the next week. A senior official accompanying Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel in Hawaii told reporters, yesterday, that among the proposals being considered to "reassure" U.S. allies in Eastern Europe included putting another U.S. ship in the Black Sea—the U.S.S. Truxtun, part of the George H.W. Bush carrier strike group, left the Black Sea on March 21. That the Donald Cook would go was confirmed by Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren, this morning, who said that it would be there to "reassure our allies of our commitment to the region."
This is exactly what we don’t need to be doing at this time. The deployment of the Aegis-equipped destroyer is part of the NATO missile defense architecture which Russia has been denouncing as destabilizing since at least 2011. On March 18, Lyndon LaRouche identified the active deployment of the USS Donald Cook from its home base in Rota as part of a change in posture that is underway, the crossover from a posture around Ukraine into one for general war. This is likely to be intensified when the Cook crosses the Dardanelles and the Bosporus into the Black Sea.
The possible deployment of U.S. ships into the Black Sea was denounced, earlier, by retired Gen. Barry McCaffrey, during a March 12 appearance on CNBC. McCaffrey argued that Russia was not going to stop its military operations in Crimea. "There is very little we could do, or, I would argue, that we should do. For sure, I cannot imagine helping this situation by putting the U.S. Navy into the Black Sea." This is the time for "cool heads and cool rhetoric. There’s been a lot of muscular language coming out of the Senate;" people looking towards the next presidential election. "This is of vital national security for the Russians. It is not in our vital interest. Endgame should be to diffuse, not intensify the conflict."
Later on in the interview, McCaffrey was very clear that military threats were being issued against Russia. "I’ve heard language arguing the U.S. Navy should be put into the Black Sea, and a build-up in the eastern Mediterranean, and NATO should move forces into adjoining NATO countries," he said. "I can’t imagine that’s a helpful way to backup our diplomatic and economic power."
It’s not, but it is a good way to start a war, one which human civilization will likely not survive. That can be prevented, but only by the immediate removal of President Obama from office.