Obama Promised Twice To Release 28 Pages; These Documents Are Crucial for Lawsuit Against Saudis for 9/11 Attacks, Says Lawyer
April 2, 2014 (EIRNS)—When Bill Doyle, who lost a son in the World Trade Center on 9/11, asked Obama in May 2011, if he would release the suppressed 28 pages on Saudi Arabia from the Congressional Joint Inquiry on 9/11, Obama promised: "Bill, I will get them released."
Doyle’s account of Obama’s broken promise is recounted in the March 31 Philadephia Inquirer, as is the account of 9/11 widow Kristen Breitweiser, who says Obama had made the same promise to her and others more than two years earlier. Breitweiser was part of a group of 9/11 families who met with Obama in February 2009, shortly after he took office.
"We had opportunities to raise our hands and ask questions, and I asked him whether he would be interested in releasing the 28 pages, because for years we had been trying to get President Bush to do it," said Breitweiser. She reports that Obama "said ‘absolutely, I don’t see why not.’ The bottom line is he agreed to do it, and he gave me and the rest of the world his promise," Breitweiser said, noting that she never anticipated that the information about the Saudis would remain classified for so long. "The joke is we walked away thinking it was going to get done, and it wasn’t done and no one followed up on it."
The Inquirer says that the issue of the 28 pages has taken on new urgency now, because of the ruling by the 2nd Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in December, reinstating the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in a lawsuit seeking compensation for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. On March 21, the Kingdom filed an appeal petition with the U.S. Supreme Court.
"The 28 pages of the Joint Inquiry report are absolutely critical to the claims brought against Saudi Arabia," said attorney Sean Carter. "Those pages contain details and findings concerning the possible direct involvement of Saudi government officials living in the United States in support of the 9/11 hijackers. The release of that evidence would lay bare the sovereign immunity defenses Saudi Arabia has hid behind for more than a decade."