Nuland Lies Again in Testimony Before Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
April 9, 2014 (EIRNS)—Victoria Nuland, the midwife of Obama’s illegal neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine, lied repeatedly in testimony before the CSCE, also known as the U.S. Helsinki Commission, today, as she further exposed the Obama administration’s control of the regime she installed.
During the hearing she was asked by Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) whether she could give any assurances that the claims which many of his constituents have brought to his attention, that the coup in Ukraine was run by neo-Nazis, was not valid. Nuland who knows full well that she was in bed with neo-Nazis, could not bring herself to even repeat the words "neo-Nazis." Instead she avoided the issue by lying that some extremist elements involved, but they were talked out of buildings in Kiev and disarmed by other Maidan participants.
To try to minimize the involvement of neo-Nazis in the regime, she said that extremists on the left and the right are only polling 3%. Of course, she left out that the deputy prime minister of Ukraine and the head of national security are both neo-Nazis from the Svoboda Party, that the National Guard is recruiting thousands of members of the neo-Nazi Right Sector, and that the Nazis are regularly beating up members of Parliament, judges, and political opponents throughout the country.
Nuland also said Washington had low expectations for the planned four-way talks between Ukraine, Russia, the United States, and the European Union. "We don’t have high expectations for these talks, but we do believe it is very important to keep that diplomatic door open, and we’ll see what they bring," effectively signalling that Obama has no intention of seriously seeking a negotiated solution.