PRESS RELEASELaRouche: New Revelations on White House Role in Benghazi Demand Impeachment of ObamaMay 1, 2014 (EIRNS)—This release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee. In the immediate aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2012 murderous assault on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, Lyndon LaRouche captured the essence of the situation, accusing President Barack Obama of having colluded with, and covered up for, terrorists deployed by London and Saudi Arabia in what could aptly be called “9/11 Two.” LaRouche and his publications have subsequently documented at length, that collusion, which resulted in the death of Chris Stevens and others. For approximately one year and a half, the White House has hidden documents and other evidence which would show that it was White House allies in al-Qaeda related groups such as Ansar al Sharia and the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, which carried out the murders. On April 29, this coverup was finally broken in a major way, when the White House was finally forced through a lawsuit, to release emails that amount to “smoking gun” evidence that the Obama and his staff were brazenly lying about the origin of those attacks. In an email with the subject “PREP CALL with Susan,” White House Deputy National Security Advisor for Communications Ben Rhodes wrote that one of the goals for Susan Rice’s appearance on Sunday talk shows was to “underscore that the protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.” Even the Washington Post concludes, concerning the Rhodes email: “It clearly showed that a White House top priority was to shield Obama from criticism less than two months before voters decided whether to give him a second term.” Rhodes also wrote that a main objective of Rice’s interviews should be to “reinforce the President and the administration’s strength and steadfastness in dealing with difficult challenges.” To do that, they intentionally covered up a known terrorist incident in which the American ambassador, among others, was killed. The Rhodes email was among thousands of documents which the House Committee on Oversight and Governmental Affairs had subpoenaed immediately after Benghazi — and had been withheld. As Committee Chairman Darrel Issa noted during today’s hearing on the Libya situation, such a long withholding of documents is unprecedented since the time of Richard Milhous Nixon. "The revelation of this suppression, and the conscious role of the White House in defending the terrorists, should lead to Obama’s immediate impeachment," commented Lyndon LaRouche today. "The White House has carried out a fraud against the country in 9/11 Two, just as it continues to do in 9/11 One—where it is withholding the crucial 28 pages which reveal the Saudi role in funding those terrorists."