Chinese Analyst Blasts U.S. Destabilization of Asia
June 4, 2014 (EIRNS)—ßDong Chunling, an expert with the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR), said in a commentary carried in all major Chinese official press outlets this week, that U.S. culpability is evident in conflicts between China and Vietnam escalating from territorial disputes into bloodshed.
“After the US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific affairs Daniel Russel’s visit to Vietnam on May 7, the disputes between China and Vietnam have flared up again. With the open support of the United States, Vietnam held news conferences in which it raised its tone against China and sent ships to interrupt the legitimate drilling operations of a Chinese company near the Xisha Islands; it even connived in domestic protests against Chinese enterprises, which finally resulted in Chinese citizens being killed and injured.
“The US has constantly told the world that its rebalancing to the Asia-Pacific is aimed at maintaining regional order and stability, not containing China. But what has happened in Vietnam—violence, social unrest, even bloodshed—has shown this for the lie it is.
“The Asia-Pacific has not been more peaceful or stable since it has become the focus of the United States’ strategic attention; on the contrary, it is becoming increasingly unstable the more the US meddles in regional affairs.
“The region was on the path toward greater integration and common prosperity, and it was considered the engine of the global economy before the US implemented its rebalancing policy; now the integration process has been derailed and people are discussing the possibility of the region being the spark for a third world war.