Former Democratic Party Activist Repeats Call: Only Hope for Democratic Party, Is for Democrats To Impeach Obama
Sept. 12, 2014 (EIRNS)—Eric Zuesse, a historian and a self-described FDR Democrat who quit the party in August out of disgust over Obama’s support for the Nazi regime in Ukraine, has repeated his call for Congressional Democrats to initiate impeachment proceedings against Obama.
Writing on WashingtonsBlog.com, Zuesse notes the latest Gallup poll showing Americans turning against the Democratic Party, and he declares that, "The albatross dragging down the fortunes of congressional Democrats is ’Democratic’ President Barack Obama himself." Zuesse says that Obama’s actions make clear that he’s not really a Democrat at heart, but he’s a "closet Republican." The only way for Democrats to avoid losing both houses of Congress this fall, is to introduce a resolution to impeach for Obama violating his oath of office, for example, by his protecting Wall Street by blocking prosecution of Wall Street megabank criminals.
"The point here," Zuesse writes, "is that this President must be impeached, because there is no other form of accountability for a sitting President; and because this President has actually broken many laws, and has not merely driven the nation even farther to the right than it was under his predecessor, the declared Republican, G.W. Bush. Furthermore, unlike all previous impeachments, this one would not be tainted as being political, if the President’s own nominal Party introduces it." (emphasis in original)