Ukraine, U.S., and Canada Refuse To Denounce Nazism
Nov. 25, 2014 (EIRNS)—In a vote taken on Friday, Nov. 21, in the UN General Assembly, a resolution denouncing Nazism and the glorification of Nazism passed by 115 to 3, with 55 abstentions. Who refused to denounce Nazism? Ukraine, the United States, and Canada—no surprises here. The bill was sponsored by Russia, Pakistan, Cuba, Rwanda, and others.
"It is highly regrettable that the U.S., Canada, and Ukraine opposed the measure and that members of the European Union withdrew from the vote," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Saturday. "Russia was particularly depressed and alarmed over Kiev’s opposition, as Ukrainians experienced the full brunt of the horrors of Nazism and contributed importantly to our common Victory over it."
The Russian Foreign Ministry plenipotentiary for Human Rights, Konstantin Dolgov, said today, as reported in RT: "There is no doubt that if there is no adequate reaction to the raging neo-Nazism in Ukraine, and so far there is no such reaction, this infection would spread over the Ukrainian borders and spread to other countries in Europe and beyond."
Terri Robl, U.S. Deputy Representative to the UN Economic and Social Council, said the US would not vote for the resolution because, as quoted by the Jerusalem Post, "the Russian government had thrown around terms like Nazi and fascist for its own purposes."
A spokesman for the Canadian delegation told the Jerusalem Post that Russia was "seeking to limit freedom of expression, assembly and opinion" with the bill condemning nazism.
The Ukrainian delegation, according to the Post, pointed to the famine in Ukraine caused by Stalin, saying:
"Until and unless the notions of Stalinism and neo-Stalinism are equally condemned along with Nazism and neo-Nazism and other forms of intolerance, Ukraine will not be able to support the draft presented by Russia."