LaRouche Confirmed: CFR Viciously Promotes the ‘Storm Over Asia’
Dec. 8, 2014 (EIRNS)—In a nasty Dec. 7 piece entitled "Rage Comes to Russia" which gloats over the Dec. 3 terror bombing in Grozny, Chechnya, the Council on Foreign Relations’ magazine Foreign Affairs confirms what Lyndon LaRouche has said since 1998 about the significance of London’s "Chechen terror" policy LaRouche’s famous feature-length video Storm Over Asia in 1999 explained that the first Chechen War was the launching of a terror, war, and "regime change" policy aimed at Russia, China, and India in particular, and at Southwest Asia. And he made cle that this was London’s terror policy against Asia’s economic development.
This week, LaRouche is having published for wide circulation a fact sheet, updating the proof that ISIS, the original Chechen wars, and the current Ukraine war provocation are the same thin the London policy for war against, immediately, Russia.
As if to prove LaRouche’s credibility, the Foreign Affairs article cited above—subtitled "Why Russia Should Worry About Terrorism"—argues that ISIS is coming to get Putin’s Russia. "Russia’s problem with radical Islam is poised to get much, muc worse," writes CFR author Ilan Berman. "Russia could soon become a significant theater for radical Islam’s newest poster child, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS). ISIS has received notable level of support from militants in the North Caucusus a could receive much more, given the terrorist organization’s decision to start focusing on the ‘post-Soviet space.’" The role of ISIS commander Abu Omar al-Shishani ("The Chechen") is then highlighted—as it is in the new fact sheet commissioned by LaRouche.
The CFR’s message is that three threats have been underestimated by Putin’s leadership: Syria as the new Afghanistan; ISIS’ decision to attack Russia (above); and the fast-growing Muslim population within Russia. And it concludes that "Western policymakers, currently focused on Russia’s action in Ukraine...have tended to overlook the terrorist threat confronting Russia. Yet it represents a critically important pa of the puzzle."
Just how CFR came to know that ISIS has just made a "decision to start focusing on the ‘post-Soviet space,’" is not stated; one might look to their common mother in London, to see the answer.