Nicaraguan Inter-Oceanic Canal Spokesman Tells EIR: Europe and the United States Must Join the BRICS Initiative
Dec. 29, 2014 (EIRNS)—Dr. Telémaco Talavera, Dean of the Agrarian University of Nicaragua and Spokesman of the Commission of the Great Inter-Oceanic Canal of Nicaragua, has called on the United States and the nations of Europe to join with the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) in building a new world order based on development, peace, and respect for national sovereignty. In a lengthy Dec. 20 interview with Gerardo Castilleja, of EIR’s Mexico City bureau, Dr. Talavera was asked about the Schiller Institute petition that the LaRouche movement and others are circulating internationally, “The U.S. and Europe Must Have the Courage To Reject Geopolitics and Collaborate with the BRICS.” Dr. Talavera responded:
“I would say that, not only can they join; I would say that they must join this initiative. Because we truly can no longer live in a world of confrontation. We truly have to make the logic of respect for sovereignty, for self-determination, for the freedom of peoples to have their own views and their own economic and social vision, prevail in the world.”
Talavera elaborated:
“The BRICS are a growing reality, a group of emerging countries with great potential in the world, which is playing an important role, and which cannot be pushed aside, which should not be pushed aside. It should not be ignored nor underestimated by the United States and Europe, because otherwise, over time, that would really backfire against them. Because this is a reality which is advancing.
“So, indeed, I believe we must put an end to that imperial view, that arrogant view of being the owners of the world, and that everybody else has to be at their feet or subordinated to them. And instead, promote relations of cooperation, respect in the whole world, beyond specific aspects and natural and necessary differences in culture, politics, religions, etc. So that the whole world can really advance towards a society which has lower levels of poverty, lower levels of marginalization, lower levels of environmental deterioration, more peace—a peace within a framework of respect, but understanding peace not only as the absence of armed struggle, but really as the respect that there must be among peoples and countries.... Europe and the United States not only can, but they must continue changing towards being promoters of peace, and not consider themselves the owners of the world, above the very sovereignty, self-determination, or views of other peoples and countries.”
The Schiller Institute resolution on joining the BRICS has been endorsed by more than 100 prominent politicians, businessman, academics, scientists and artists from 20 countries around the world. The full text of the petition, and the list of current prominent endorsers, can be found at: http://action-larouchepac.nationbuilder.com/petition
The Interview
Throughout the interview, with notable optimism, Talavera spoke to EIR about the numerous challenges and opportunities posed by the construction of the 278 km. Great Inter-Oceanic canal, which Nicaragua has begun to build in partnership with the Chinese company HKND.
On education:
“In consultation with universities in this region, such as the International Maritime University of Panama, the Technological University of Panama, of Spain and the world, not only in China, we really are addressing the new challenges in education at all levels, but especially higher technical education. We’ve spoken about offering 315 new degrees ... which are going to be required in Nicaragua’s new economic, scientific and technological dynamic.”
On Chinese President Xi Jinping’s offer of “win-win” cooperation around the New Silk Road:
“The world is living in a reality that is different from the time of the Cold War.... We have gone from geopolitics, which dominated the world during the Cold War, to ‘geo-economics’.... These great projects can be the driver of aspects of the world economy. For example, the Nicaraguan Great Canal project will ... reduce the time for moving export and import products. It will reduce costs because the distance is shortened, but also because they are going to be able to use the large, more efficient ships that are now being built.... These great projects are a strategic vision of transformation they contribute to invigorating other great projects that have been launched in the world.”
On youth:
“The youth are the potential to construct, to build, but they also face a high risk of taking paths that lead them to harm themselves, their families, and society.... [Nicaragua’s strategy is to] strengthen that vision, that dynamism, that initiative which characterizes youth, so that they can be the motors of transformation. And as I tell them, to not only be the future in Nicaragua, but also the present and the future in Nicaragua.... At this time, youth in Nicaragua are a fundamental motor for transformation ... because in large measure we have youth with that dynamism, that energy which feels hope, the possibility of being actors, of being protagonists for social transformation. And that gives meaning to their lives.... [They have] the creativity, the innovation to be able to say: ‘We youth are going to be builders, we are builders of a better society for ourselves, for our families, and for society.’"
Dr. Talavera concluded his interview with EIR, which will be available in full in both English and Spanish at www.larouchepub.com and www.larouchepub.com/spanish, with an appeal to the people of the United States:
“You are a people who have a great historical opportunity to also contribute to economic, social, and human transformation, and to do so with respect, respecting the dignity of each people, of each person you truly have that great possibility.... Let us continue together with respect.”