Neo-Cons, Anglophiles Go Berserk, Call for War on North Korea
Jan. 6, 2015 (EIRNS)—Even as South Korean President Park Geun-hye was telling her Cabinet today that she is strongly supporting holding high-level meetings, and perhaps even a leadership summit, with North Korea, the neo-cons and the other Anglophiles in the U.S. are letting it all out, openly calling for war on North Korea, both "color revolution" warfare and outright military warfare.
Both Richard Haass, President of the Council on Foreign Relations (the U.S. headquarters for the British liberal imperialists in the U.S.) since 2003, and arch neo-con "Korea expert" Victor Cha, now at CSIS, issued blood-curdling calls for war, which are clearly aimed at South Korea, China, and Russia, as much as at North Korea itself.
Haass, in an op-ed written on Dec. 23 for the Wall Street Journal but re-published on the CFR "Korea Update" for January, titled ominously "Time To End the North Korean Threat," lies wildly that both South Korea and China are now ready to be brought into an alliance with the U.S. and Japan to wipe out North Korea and force re-unification. He says there are proposals for punishing North Korea for the hacking of Sony (which they almost certainly did not do) ranging from a
"cyberattack to weaken North Korean political and military assets to relisting the country as a state sponsor of terrorism, presumably accompanied by new sanctions. These ideas are fine as far as they go, but they don’t go far enough.... Only one approach is commensurate with the challenge: ending North Korea’s existence as an independent entity and reunifying the Korean Peninsula."
The imperial lord then demands a color revolution:
"The U.S. needs to work with South Korea (and, if possible, Japan) to try to undermine North Korea from within. This would involve extending support to nongovernment organizations and others trying to get information to people inside this closed but not impermeable country. DVDs, leaflets, USB drives, Internet content, and radio and television broadcasts all have a role to play. The goal should be to highlight the realities of this dangerous and repressive regime and to make the case for why the citizens of North Korea would be incomparably better off in a Korea that was whole, open and free. Such an outcome is surely ambitious, and working to bring it about is not without risks — but no one should underestimate for a moment the costs and dangers of the alternative we have been living with for all too long." I.e., this will mean a full-scale war—so bring it on."
As to Victor Cha, who was George W. Bush’s top advisor on North Korean affairs, he responded directly to the offer of talks from Kim Jong-un, which President Park welcomed, by saying "I didn’t read anything special in the North Korean New Year’s speech," and warning that
"The United States is likely to see the next series of North Korean nuclear and ballistic missile tests [this year]. These may demonstrate Pyongyang’s crossing of a new technology threshold, such as warhead miniaturization, a uranium-based test, more accurate ballistic missile or nuclear fusion capabilities."
Cha added: "The administration must be prepared to meet these provocations with concrete measures that acknowledge the necessity of deterring a nuclear North Korea," calling for THAAD missiles to be deployed in South Korea—a policy the Park Administration rejects as being aimed at China, not North Korea.