Another H.Res.14 Co-Sponsor Takes to the House Floor To Demand Declassification of the 28 Pages
Feb. 12, 2015 (EIRNS)—As the press clamor grows for release of the suppressed 28 pages of Intelligence Committees’ report on the 9/11 attacks, and Congress has become increasingly agitated over it, sponsors of H.Res. 14 calling on the President to declassify the pages are escalating their efforts to accomplish their goal.
At the same time, the number of sponsors continues to grow. There are now nine cosponsors, three having been added today: Lloyd Doggett (D-Tex.), Collin Peterson (D-Minn.), and Mark Sanford (R-S.C.).
Today, for the second time this week, one of the sponsors, Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.), took to the House Floor to speak about the 28 pages. Lynch spoke for five minutes during the House’s Morning Hour about the classified pages, and H.Res. 14.
Reading his op-ed, which appeared earlier this week in the Boston Globe, Lynch noted the growing clamor on the issue, and the recent testimony of convicted 9/11 terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui. Lynch said that, regardless of Moussaoui’s motivations in the revelations, he brings to light important questions, most notably that "As a nation, we have not yet fully accounted for the sources of funding and logistical support that enabled al Qaeda to undertake those terrorist attacks." Rep. Lynch noted that he and his co-sponsors have read the 28 pages, and agree with former Sen. Bob Graham (one of the co-chairs of Congressional investigation) that at this time, there is no longer any need to classify the information. He said that making the information public at this time will aid in the country’s shaping of its future foreign policy. He asked that his colleagues take the time to read the 28 pages, and consider supporting H.Res. 14.
On Feb. 10, primary sponsor Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.) spoke on the House floor, demanding that President Obama keep his word to the 9/11 families by declassifying the 28 pages, and that his House colleagues in Congress contact members of the Intelligence Committee to urge them to join as co-sponsors of H.Res. 14.