Der Spiegel: ‘In the Crisis, Nuland Herself Has Become the Problem’
Feb. 16, 21015 (EIRNS)—Germany’s Der Spiegel on Feb. 15 attacked Victoria Nuland, President Obama’s Nazi-loving representative for Europe, as "America’s Riot Diplomat"—the sobriquet can mean both that Nuland acts disruptively, and that she creates riots (as on the Maidan in Ukraine). The "Politics" column states that Nuland poses a threat to America’s allies, and that while she is supposed to solve the crisis of Ukraine and relations with Russia, "In the crisis, Nuland herself has become the problem."
EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche has called the immediate firing of Nuland, an indispensable step to avoid a plunge into thermonuclear war with Russia.
Der Spiegel described a closed-door meeting, apparently reported on anonymously both to it and to the Bild newspaper, held by Assistant Secretary of State Nuland at the Munich Security Conference one week ago, with "perhaps two dozen U.S. diplomats and Senators." There Nuland gave instructions to "fight against the Europeans" on the issue of arming Ukraine to fight Russia. She was described as "bitterly" referring to the German Chancellor’s and French President Hollande’s meeting with Russian President Putin as "Merkel’s Moscow junk," and "Moscow bullshit," and she welcomed a Senator’s calling German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen the "Defeatism Minister."
These reports give the lie to Nuland’s claim on the morning of Feb. 11, when the Minsk Agreement was announced, that "we [the United States] enthusiastically support it."
Der Spiegel says that Nuland does not stop short of calling for "heavy weapons" to be given by NATO to Ukraine. Wishfully, it says that her policy is quite different than Obama’s, and that he must deal with that. In reality, he is the greater danger still, of thermonuclear war.