Soros Man Joins Nazi Parubiy in Bid for U.S. War on Russia
Feb. 26, 2015 (EIRNS)—Joining the unabashed Ukrainian Nazi, Andriy Parubiy, in lobbying Washington this week for the United States to sell arms to the Ukrainian government, was Mikheil Saakashvilli, a wholly-owned property of Nazi speculator George Soros and erstwhile President of the nation of Georgia, now posted to the Ukrainian government as head of its "Advisory International Council on Reforms."
Saakasvilli summarized his message in a Feb. 25 op-ed in the Washington Post: The West must use Ukraine to provoke a war with nuclear superpower Russia.
Theatrically declaring Ukraine to be "today’s West Berlin: the frontline in the defense of Western values against Russian revanchism," Saakashvilli demanded that further economic sanctions be thrown on Russia; that Ukraine be supplied with weapons, particularly antitank weapons; and that Ukraine "be encouraged to form bilateral or trilateral regional alliances that can work with NATO and the United States to enhance regional security," while insisting "full membership for Ukraine in NATO must remain an option." He also shamelessly flaunted that he is but one of many foreign occupiers brought in to run this "Ukrainian" government, in the name of "reforming" Ukraine.
Saakashvilli met on Feb. 24 with the Obama administration Viceroy who installed that government in power, War Party Ukraine case officer Victoria "Yats" Nuland. Nuland, who was also to meet with Parubiy the next day, confirmed that she did meet with "Saak," in an e-mail to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. The Georgian cum Ukrainian bragged on his Facebook page on Wednesday that he had held 34 meetings in three days on Capital Hill (more work, he implied, than he is accustomed to), in which he lobbied Senators and Representatives that they must "increase legislative pressure with the aim of supplying Ukraine with defensive [sic] weapons."
For his part, the fascist Parubiy, swaggering under the title of Deputy Speaker of the Ukrainian Rada, left Washington D.C. today to head for New York City, where he has another round of meetings, mostly private, scheduled for Friday. Included is an invitation-only address to a not-to-be-named "law firm," according to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America.
War Party media outlets piled on the pressure. USA Today published Gen. (R) Wesley Clark’s call for the U.S. to "Arm Ukraine," and push diplomacy aside. On Feb. 25, Newsweek published a piece by Atlantic Council "Ukraine Project" staffer, Adrian Karatnycky, titled "Now Obama Must Arm Ukraine."
Karatnycky adds the twist that aid should be agreed on, but "no announcements should be made until weapons are in place and trained Ukrainians are ready to deploy them."