Brazilians Mobilize To Stop Wall Street Coup
Feb. 27, 2015 (EIRNS)—Patriotic political, scientific, engineering, trade union, legal, academic, and media leaders held the first of many planned meetings of a newly-established "Alliance for Brazil in Defense of National Sovereignty" on Wednesday (Feb. 25). They met at Rio de Janeiro’s Engineering Club, to map out a strategy to defend the nation from dismemberment at the hands of foreign financial interests.
The pretext for the financiers’ assault is corruption uncovered within the nation’s giant state oil company, Petrobras—a corruption run by the same financial interests now seeking not only to grab Brazil’s oil for themselves, but to bring down Dilma Rousseff’s government and pull Brazil out of the BRICS group which dares challenge the global criminal operation Wall Street and London call "a financial system."
"The Nation faces one of the greatest challenges in its history," in which "domestic and foreign forces threaten the very foundations of its independence and sovereignty," warns the statement by the Engineering Club endorsed at the meeting. "Petrobras is the backbone of Brazilian development.... It is a creator and diffuser of technology, investment and productivity which benefits the whole Brazilian economy.... All this is at risk. It is to confront that risk that the social and political movement which we are organizing calls for a national mobilization in support of Petrobras."
Former Science and Technology Minister Roberto Amaral was very clear on the stakes involved: The country does not run the risk of suffering a coup, he said; "the coup is already underway." The only way to stop this, he said, is by the unity of the Brazilian people.
Other speakers drew the parallel between the "coup" operation they face, and the attacks on Argentina and Venezuela.
In his fierce remarks, Roberto Saturnino Braga, director-president of the Centro Celso Furtado, stated that Brazil’s sovereignty is being threatened "for the daring measures which it had the courage to take," citing among those measures its active role in the BRICS and the establishment of its New Development Bank, as an alternative to the International Monetary Fund.
The Wall Street criminal class are not hiding their intent. On Feb. 24, Moody’s downgraded Petrobras bonds to junk status, and threatened that it could declare their bonds in default, if certain measures were not taken soon. Fitch and Standard & Poor’s are projected to follow suit, setting off a flood of Wall Street drooling (Bloomberg, Bank of America, etc.) over how this means Petrobras will have to sell off at least $20 billion in assets, and let the multis in on its giant off-shore oil fields.
London’s Financial Times published a manic story the next day in its "Beyond BRICS" blog, subtly titled "Brazil: 10 Good Reasons To Think the Two-Month-Old Government Will Go," which asserted (prematurely) that there are good reasons to think President Dilma Rousseff, who began a second four-year term only on Jan. 1, may not last much longer."