Greek Government Will Seek Support of the Greek Population, If Its Policy Is Rejected by the Eurozone
March 8, 2015 (EIRNS)—On March 6, the Greek government presented its reform proposal to the EuroGroup in Brussels, which will consider the proposal tomorrow.
According to the Globe and Mail (Canada), if the proposals are rejected, the Greek government may go directly to the Greek population with a referendum to further establish its support of the rejection of the Troika austerity policy.
In separate interviews over the weekend, Greece’s finance and defense ministers, Yanis Varoufakis and Panos Kammenos, respectively, said that if the country’s creditors raise requests which aren’t acceptable to the government, then the people of Greece may have to decide on how to break the deadlock.
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras also signaled that the referendum option is being considered. "If we were to hold a referendum tomorrow with the question, do you want your dignity or a continuation of this unworthy policy, then everyone would choose dignity regardless of difficulties that would accompany that decision," Tsipras told Der Spiegel, in an interview published Saturday.
Varoufakis told Corriere della Sera that Greece may call new elections or hold a referendum if European finance ministers reject the government’s reform proposals. A referendum would only be held if negotiations with creditors fail, spokesman Gabriel Sakellaridis said by telephone.
On March 7, Lyndon LaRouche called on Greece to call the EU’s bluff and join the BRICS.
This week, Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias and Deputy Prime Minister Yannis Dragasakis will be visiting Beijing to prepare a visit to Beijing in May by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. Kotzias has previously pointed out that Greece should function as a bridge between Russia, China, and India on the one hand, and Europe on the other, as it has done previously in history.