Russian Arms Control Official Addresses Factors of Nuclear War from the U.S.
March 12, 2015 (EIRNS)—Mikhail Ulyanov, the director of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s non-proliferation and arms control department, held a press conference in Moscow, yesterday, where he addressed a number of aspects of the U.S. limited nuclear war policy—aspects highlighted recently by Lyndon LaRouche and this news service, though he did not name them as such. Ulyanov noted, for example, that while, in his view, the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty isn’t falling apart, it is under a great deal of strain.
"Some actions by our U.S. colleagues cause great surprise. At a meeting with a US delegation in Moscow on the issue US delegates did not explain what particularly they do not like—in their scheme of things we are expected to say voluntarily what we have violated and to confess violations," Ulyanov said. "This kind of approach does not look serious to us."
"At the same time we have at least three questions about U.S. compliance with the treaty. I cannot say that the replies the Americans offered satisfied us,"
he said, reported TASS. More generally, he said that Washington’s current actions, specifically, the deployment of anti-ballistic missile system in Europe and development of high-precision strategic non-nuclear weapons (as in "Prompt Global Strike"), brought into question further steps towards nuclear disarmament.
Ulyanov also questioned the U.S. practice of training pilots from non-nuclear NATO members to deliver nuclear weapons. "The so-called joint nuclear missions virtually are training of pilots from non-nuclear states to use nuclear weapons," he said. "We consider this a serious violation of NPT obligations." He added that the Obama Administration has been avoiding discussions on this topic, as well.
A total of about 180 U.S. B61-3/4 nuclear gravity bombs are stored in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, and Turkey for use by those countries, and the U.S. and NATO regularly exercise that capability, EIR has reported. In October 2014, Polish jets took part in that exercise for the first time, raising questions about Poland’s participation in NATO’s nuclear operations that have yet to be answered.
All of the elements that Ulyanov pointed to are, in fact, components of the Obama Administration’s policy of limited nuclear war against Russia, a policy which has been denounced by Lyndon LaRouche. Such a war, of course, would not be "limited," but would bring about "a very extensive destruction of large areas of the planet Earth," LaRouche said on Feb. 26, and "it would be really a long time before anybody really moved things up and started to build a civilization again."