Argentina and Bolivia Sign Nuclear Energy Agreement
April 1, 2015 (EIRNS)—Although Argentina and Bolivia were already cooperating in the area of nuclear energy, on March 26 Argentine Planning Minister Julio Miguel de Vido and Bolivian Hydrocarbons Minister Luis Alberto Sánchez signed an agreement to greatly expand that cooperation to accelerate the development of Bolivia’s National Nuclear Energy Program.
Argentina is, of course, collaborating with BRICS members China and Russia in building three more of its own nuclear reactors.
A March 26 press release issued by the Argentine Planning Ministry underscores that "considering the strategic and historic ties between both countries, and Argentina’s experience in the field of nuclear energy," the potential for developing Bolivia’s nuclear program is great. Argentina will help Bolivia establish the necessary "institutionality" for its program, train personnel, and work with Bolivia in joint research projects "related to the nuclear field."
A first group of Bolivians has completed studies at Argentina’s Balseiro Institute in Bariloche, the premier educational facility in South America for training nuclear engineers. Training of scientific and technical personnel will be ongoing. Additional support includes the design, construction and operation of nuclear power plants and research reactors, as well as radioactive waste management, and research into the use of radioisotopes in medicine and agriculture.
Argentina’s Planning Ministry emphasizes that through this close cooperation, "Argentina can become an important support for Bolivian development, while situating itself as a privileged potential partner related to [Bolivia’s] political decision to incorporate and develop technology in the short and medium term which our country is in a position to supply."