Water Rationing Plans Will Result in Genocide
April 15, 2015 (EIRNS)—None other than “greenie” California Governor Jerry Brown let the cat out of the bag when he declared last week that water rationing was necessary, because California’s population for 10,000 years had averaged around 300,000 to 400,000 people. Today the state’s population is over 38 million! The implications of bringing that population down to “normal” should be stunning. Brown is saying there are just “too many people.”
Reducing the supply of water is a way to reduce population, of course. Such a program was laid out by Wall Street mouthpiece (and long-time Greenpeace activist) Amy Larkin in an April 10 article in the British daily Guardian. Larkin took up the case of Brazil’s largest city, Sao Paulo, which is now suffering a horrible drought, and argued that the fault lies with Wall Street and governments for not raising the price sufficiently. (The April 11 Economist agrees.) She then raises the specter of depopulation of the city as part of the solution.
The calls for raising the price of water (the most essential of basic commodities they deem “limited”) to “market” values has been a long-time call of the Green genocide crowd, and has been enshrined in UN’s documents for population control. This is the raison d’etre behind the movement to privatize water supplies internationally—a move which always increases the price, and hits the poor disproportionately. England is a prime example. There, all water authorities are privatized and the price is raised every year.
The genocidal mindset is reflected by the likes of Nestle’s CEO Peter Brabeck, who at the Davos conference in 2011 declared that beyond the provision of “a few liters” of water for cleaning, drinking, hydration, and minimum hygiene, water is not a human right. The view is similarly seen in places such as Detroit and Baltimore, where municipalities are preparing for privatization of their water supply by jacking up prices, and cutting off supplies to those unable to pay that, or other taxes.