Color Revolution Factors Active in South Africa; Zuma Unable To Attend Bandung Summit
April 24, 2015 (EIRNS)—In addition to the anti-foreigner violence that was instigated over the last few weeks in South Africa, and which forced the cancellation of President Jacob Zuma’s attendance at the 60th Anniversary celebration of the Bandung Conference, there are clear signs of further preparations for a color revolution in South Africa to remove it from the BRICS group:
- The neo-conservative NGO, Freedom House, headquartered in New York City, has a major program for southern Africa, which is headed by Vukasin Petrovic, one of the eleven Serbs who were founding members of Otpor, the color revolution organization that overthrew Slobodan Milosevic. He was later deployed to Ukraine to begin work on the Orange revolution there. Freedom House has offices in Johannesburg. The writing is on the wall.
- Jane Duncan, a professor of journalism at University of Johannesburg (formerly at Rhodes University), with funding from George Soros’s Open Society Foundation for South Africa, has written a column in which she obliquely threatens close leading members of the Zuma government, and therefore Zuma himself, with the fate of Libya’s Muammar Qaddafi, making reference inclusively to the torture of Qaddafi by sodomy with a stick or knife and his murder. Duncan describes herself as "a researcher for the United Front," the color revolution outfit founded by regime change advocate Irvin Jim and the NUMSA metalworkers' labor union he leads. The article appears on the website of the South African Civil Society Information Service (SACSIS), and has been reposted by
- The website of SACSIS now has an article on its home page denouncing the BRICS.