Zepp-LaRouche Blasts Cynical EU Policy After Mass Drowning of War Refugees in Mediterranean
April 24, 2015 (EIRNS)—Following the tragic drowning of between 700 and 900 refugees fleeing Libya for Europe on April 18, Helga Zepp-LaRouche was asked about the EU policy regarding refugees fleeing war and economic depredation in Africa, during her Wednesday webcast of the party she heads, the Civil Rights Movement-Solidarity (Bürgerrechtsbewegung-Solidarität, BüSo) on April 22.
Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche, speaking in German, said she sees for the moment two completely different paradigms behind the reactions to the crisis, and one of them is a form of new fascism. The EU "replaced the "Mare Nostrum" program that was run only by Italy until last year, with a program under which no attempt is even made to save the refugees from the Mediterranean. Instead, the cynical argument goes: "The more people drown, the more it will act as a deterrent to those who would too greatly fear to risk making the trip."
"That shows the utter moral bankruptcy of the EU.... We deliberately let thousands of people drown, in order to defend Fortress Europe. That same mentality is at work in the destruction of the Greek economy by the Troika, where it is simply accepted that the mortality rate will increase in Greece, just as in Italy, Spain, and Portugal. And the same mentality prevents real development, through the refusal to supply aid for Africa more generally.
"And I think the same fascist mentality is behind the fact that although a neo-Nazi coup has occurred in Ukraine, and opposition figures are killed in the streets, the West continues to remain silent about that, but churns out propaganda in favor of the current regime.
"I find it scandalous that, 70 years after the end of the Second World War and the end of fascism," be it in California, Yemen, Iraq, Syria or Libya, "such an inhuman attitude prevails, which accepts depopulation, population reduction, such that, taking all these aspects together, one can only suspect that the intention is precisely to reduce the world population....
"And I find it utterly hypocritical today to take action against a 93-year-old former SS man, while at the same time tolerating a policy which, albeit in a different form, is based on exactly the same principle."
Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche, has an hour-long live webcast every Wednesday, which can be accessed via the BüSo website at Her April 22 webcast is available here.