Nazification of Ukraine Advances; Obama’s Crowd Loves It
May 18, 2015 (EIRNS)—Last Friday, May 15, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko signed the package of laws adopted by the Supreme Rada on April 9, mandating "de-communization" and glorification of Hitler’s Banderite collaborators in the country. This was done while Obama’s Nazi-loving Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland was in Kiev, meeting with everyone in that government, Poroshenko included.
"Hooligans" got into the spirit over the weekend, a news brief from, reposted on Natalia Vitrenko’s site, reported, and smashed up memorial plaques, starting with one to Marshal Zhukov. Zhukov was the Soviet general key to the defeat of Hitler, whom General Eisenhower awarded the Chief Commander grade of the U.S. Legion of Merit for his contributions against the German forces. Right Sector figure Ihor Mosiychuk, a commander of the Banderite Azov Battalion currently serving in parliament with the Radical Party, celebrated the vandalism, writing on Facebook:
"Kiev youth dismantled (smashed) a memorial plaque to the Ukrainophobe Marshal of the U.S.S.R. Georgi Zhukov. The police detained the activists, who then had to lecture the cops about de-communization. Looks like they were all let go."
That same weekend, on May 16, Nuland held a press conference in Kiev, to report on her "terrific and extremely busy two days" she had spent in Kiev, meeting with
"President Poroshenko, Prime Minister Yatsenyuk, Foreign Minister Klimkin, Minister of Finance Jaresko, Speaker Groysman, SBU Chairman Nalyvaichenko, Minister Avakov, a collection of young Rada deputies, the leader of the Opposition Bloc, the mayor of Kiev, OSCE’s leadership, Heidi Tagliavini and the head of the political working group, Ambassador Morel ... [and] some Ukrainian business leaders."
She specifically expressed enthusiasm over "the new institutions, the new, clean, democratic police force that Ukraine is building first in Kiev and that you’re now going to start expanding across the country." That is to say, for the "clean, democratic police force" receiving U.S. training, which is being created under the direction of, and with the active participation of openly Banderite Nazis.
The same day Nuland was hailing this "new, clean, democracy," U.S. Assistant Secretary for Defense Evelyn Farkas gave an interview to Voice of America/Ukraine, reiterating that "all options to provide weapons to Ukraine are being considered."