DIA Documents Make ‘Official’ What EIR and Others Knew on 9/12/12
May 22, 2015 (EIRNS)—The just-released Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report from Sept. 12, 2012, identifying the al-Qaeda front that carried out the premeditated assault on the U.S. mission and CIA annex in Benghazi, Libya, the day before, has made "official" what was known by EIR and others at the time: President Obama lied to the American people and to Congress about a "spontaneous" attack and a "protest" against an internet video slandering the Prophet Mohammed, knowing full well that the assault was a pre-planned action by al-Qaeda fronts headquartered in the Derna, Libya area near Benghazi. Derna was a well-known hotbed of al-Qaeda recruitment for suicide bombings and other terrorist acts.
On the morning of Sept. 12, 2012, EIR received an "unofficial" briefing from a longstanding U.S. government contact, detailing the armed assault on the U.S. mission and annex, naming Ansar al-Sharia as the main group involved in the planned and heavily-armed action. Contemporaneous records of that conversation exist, and they conformed to much of the detail in the recently declassified DIA report.
On Sept. 28, a senior Pentagon source confirmed to EIR that "the Obama White House received a detailed warning of a pending attack in advance of the Sept. 11, 2012 assault on the Benghazi consulate." According to the source, "Both the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency provided detailed warnings to both the President and the CIA that there were attacks being planned against American targets in Benghazi."
Author Edward Klein, in his book Blood Feud, recounted that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received a real-time account of the Benghazi attacks from U.S. diplomat Gregory Hicks, who was Ambassador Chris Stevens’ top deputy at the Tripoli Embassy. Hicks provided the same narrative of a pre-meditated attack, with no mention of protest demonstrations or the slanderous video. Yet, according to the Klein account, President Obama personally called Clinton at 10 p.m. on Sept. 11, 2012 and ordered her to issue a press release citing the protests and the video, and making no mention of the al-Qaeda links or the pre-planned nature of the precision attacks.