Greek Government Will Not Submit to Blackmail
June 2, 2015 (EIRNS)—The Greek situation still remains on the brink. One would think that following the June 1, 2015 meeting in Berlin among German Chancellor Angela Merkel, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde, European Central Bank President Mario Draghi, French President François Hollande and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, something big was to be expected. However, no final agreement appears in sight, at least for this week, and people are now talking about June 1, 2015, when the Eurogroup of euro area finance ministers meets in Luxembourg, as a new deadline.
There is all sorts of speculation that a "take it or leave it" deal is being worked out, which is just enraging the Greeks.
The ruling Syriza party continues to make statements that Greece will not cross its red lines. Syriza parliamentary spokesman Nikos Filis told Antenna TV, "If we’re talking about an ultimatum...which is not within the framework of the popular mandate, it is obvious that the government cannot co-sign and accept it."
Labor Minister Panos Skourletis who told SKAI TV today, "There is no room for more compromises. We are waiting for the other side to assume its responsibilities."
Deputy Prime Minister Yannis Dragasakis said "We will not submit to blackmail," speaking today to an Athens meeting of the European Parliament group European United Left-Nordic Green Left. "It is meaningless at this point to become embroiled in an aimless blame game," Dragasakis said. "Instead, we—the prime minister and the government—are focusing on achieving a just agreement."
Reuters reported today that a Greek government official said Greece will make a €300 million payment to the IMF by the June 5 deadline Greece reaches a deal with its lenders by then, even if aid is not disbursed in time. "If we judge that a deal has been sealed, then we will make the June 5 payment normally," the official said, adding that the payment would be made if there was a preliminary agreement without its necessarily being approved at a Eurogroup meeting.