German Diplomacy Opens the Libya Front: Can Berlin Be a BRICS Bridge Against NATO-Created Chaos?
June 10, 2015 (EIRNS)—German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier invited Libyan factions for talks in Berlin today. The Libyan delegates were brought by a German plane yesterday. Just before flying to Berlin, the Libyan government withdrew from the negotiations led by UN Special Envoy Bernardino Leon, after the Parliament voted to reject the UN proposals, which consisted of power-sharing with Susan Rice’s friends, the pro-terrorist putschist faction in Tripoli.
The negotiations are a test for Germany to show which side it is on.
Not accidentally, Germany has jumped into the Libya diplomacy after Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s visit to Berlin. Put cynically: Siemens EU8 billion deal with Egypt is at stake, and this requires stability in North Africa. Ergo, the final solution for ISIS.
Of course, there is more to the diplomacy than that. As the Süddeutsche Zeitung puts it, "Our information is that the meeting on the Spree is also due to the efforts to bring together the international community"—meaning Russia.
The daily continues,
"Western and Russian diplomats estimate that Germany is most suitable to also bring Moscow onboard in [resolving] this conflict. In 2011 the Bundeseregierung abstained from the vote in the [UN] Security Council. This created some troubles for Germany, but it increased its credibility in Russia to enter the current negotiations on Libya as an honest broker."
On Libya, two fronts are facing each other: the British Empire, with Obama, Turkey and the terrorists; and what can be called the potential BRICS perspective pushed by Egypt. Egypt is leading a stabilization effort which involves all major Libyan tribes and is supported by Russia and China. Italy has helped, but Italy is also playing with the British.
Russia is against any UN resolution that allows a repeat of the 2011 war. The Libyan factions are against the EU’s EUNAVFOR Med altogether. French and Italian military officers are quite skeptical. Recently the CEO of ENI, the Italian oil company, also came out against it. And yet, the British have corrupted the Italian government into heading up EUNAVFOR Med. The U.K. is drafting the resolution to be voted at the UN Security Council.
The Berlin negotiations are an important test for Foreign Minister Steinmeier, to tilt the balance in favor of the "BRICS" coalition.