Eurozone Finance Ministers’ Meeting on Greece Produces Only Threats; Emergency Summit Set for June 22
June 18, 2015 (EIRNS)—Today’s meeting of 19 European Finance Ministers in Luxembourg to discuss the Greek crisis, yielded no results except more vicious threats and demands that Greece submit completely to their murderous dictates.
Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, immediately announced after the meeting that he would call all Eurozone presidents and prime ministers to an emergency summit in Brussels on Monday, June 22. "It is time to urgently discuss the situation of Greece at the highest political level," he said, the Financial Times reported this afternoon.
Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who chaired the ministerial meeting, harumphed that no agreement is yet in sight, accusing Greek Finance Minister Varoufakis of having presented "too few measures that were credible and serious," Associated Press reported. Time is running out, and it now time for the Greeks to submit "new" proposals over the next few days, he howled. Prior to the meeting, Dijsslbloem repeated that debt restructuring "is not in the cards." The London Financial Times reports that Dijsselbloem admitted for the first time, that in order for Greece to unlock the 7.2 billion euros it is seeking, it would have to accept a third extension of the bailout program.
For her part, International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde demanded more killing. She warned that Greece’s proposals "cannot be smoke and mirrors," but must be "credible." According to the website, she stated that Greece will get no extra time to make the 1.6-billion-euro debt payment it owes the Fund at the end of this month.
"There will be no grace period," she hissed. "I have a term of June 30. If it’s not paid by July 1, it’s not paid. No delay of one month or two, as I heard; It’s due June 30."