Zepp-LaRouche Outlines Strategic Situation to Silk Road Conference in Yiwu, China
June 19, 2015 (EIRNS)—Speaking at the Silk Road Economic Belt Cities International Forum in Yiwu, China, today, Helga Zepp-LaRouche brought to the audience of several hundred foreign and Chinese guests the reality of the strategic situation facing the world. While the enthusiasm around the "One Belt, One Road‚" perspective was great, there was still a lack of understanding regarding the threat of the strategic situation, which is capable of totally torpedoing this project. The Forum was organized by the Renmin University's Chongyang Institute of Financial Studies, (Global Times) and the Yiwu City People's Government. The Forum was attended by leading Chinese scholars, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress, several ex-heads of state and numerous diplomats from many countries in the world along the Belt and Road as well as beyond.
Zepp-LaRouche had been asked to give her comments at a major forum on the European reaction to the "One Belt, One Road‚" project. She was introduced as the person who had first brought the idea of the Silk Road Belt into Europe. She began her comments by pointing to the danger of a financial collapse if the Troika forces a Greek state insolvency and an exit from the European Union, pointing in particular to the trillions of dollars of derivatives linked to the debt.
"A chaotic collapse can be prevented only if the EU and European nations agree to convene a European debt conference in the tradition of the 1953 Debt Conference for Germany which laid the basis for the German miracle of the postwar period,"
Zepp-LaRouche said. She underlined the alternative policies associated with Alexander Hamilton, which had been implemented in the creation of the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau and the industrial banking tradition of Hermann Abs and Alfred Herrhausen for reconstructing the Germany economy.
She pointed to the essential role of Germany in any revival of the European economy and underlined the tremendous damage which had been done to the German economy by the sanctions imposed on Russia under U.S. fiat. She noted that there were important forces in Germany, including two former prime ministers who were opposing the disastrous measures taken at the last G7 meeting.
"Some of these leaders realize that the German economy itself is as much the target of the geopolitical confrontation against Russia and are looking for a way to overcome this dilemma,"
she said.
Zepp-LaRouche urged the upcoming summit of the European Fund for Strategic Investment, which will be attended by China's Premier Li Keqiang, become a venue for co-financing the New Silk Road. She underlined the notion of infrastructural investment corridors as the focus of the new transportation grids being built in order to raise the productivity and the living standards of the peoples along the Road and Belt, pointing to the Ruhr region and high-tech industrial centers like Baden-Württemberg and Rhein-Main as examples of what can be developed along the route. She referred to the work done by the Schiller Institute and EIR in developing this concept with a graphic of the front page of the latest EIR report "The New Silk Road becomes the World Land-Bridge." Zepp-LaRouche ended her speech with a quote from Gottfried Leibniz' Novissima Sinica where Leibniz speaks about the two poles of the Eurasian continent which must join hands, which would allow every country and every region in between to be uplifted.
The reaction was electrifying, both among her fellow panelists, who were from Kazakhstan, Spain, Poland, Ukraine, and China as well as from the audience. During the Q&A there was a discussion of the need for a new financial architecture, with Zepp-LaRouche underlining the strategic importance of the new principles of finance underlying the AIIB and the BRICS New Development Bank. Many people came up to Zepp-LaRouche after her presentation to talk with her and to examine the report.
On the first day of the conference, there had also been a panel with EIR Washington correspondent Bill Jones, on June 18, on the Belt and Road and the New Shape of International Trade, where Jones underlined the unique importance of the Belt and Road at the present moment in history as a way of overcoming the present financial and strategic crisis engulfing Europe and the United States, and the need for overcoming the present geopolitical sabotage of the Obama Administration in order to bring the United States into a positive collaborative relationship with China around the Belt and Road and working for the common aims of mankind. Some of the Chinese scholars expressed pessimism that the U.S. policy would change, which gave Jones the opening for really explaining the disaster occurring in the United States and the underlying economic need for a new direction in the U.S. Later in the day at a third panel, the CFR's Ariella Viehe would give a lame-brained argument that the U.S. really had a "New Silk Road policy‚" and that this policy would be complementary to China's Belt and Road. During the discussion in the CFR panel, the Schiller delegation had the opportunity to expose the totally political nature of Obama's "trade initiative‚" and its failure to even pass the hurdle of the United States Congress. This also led to a discussion about the need for a new model of trade relations based on ‘fair' rather than ‘free' trade.
Both Zepp-LaRouche and Jones were interviewed by the local Yiwu TV channel, with portions of the interview reportedly taken up by CCTV nationally, which broadcasts to over 100 million people.