Schiller Institute Youth Delegates Participate in First BRICS and SCO Youth Forum in Ufa
July 28, 2015 (EIRNS)—From July 26-28, more than 150 youth gathered in Ufa, Russia, for the first BRICS and Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) youth forum. The five BRICS countries—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—were represented, along with delegations from the Eurasian member-countries of the SCO, such as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Observers and guests also attended from other countries, including Bulgaria, South Korea, Japan, Germany, and France. Two representatives from the Schiller Institute, Kai-Uwe Ducke and Sébastien Drochon, were the only ones from, respectively, Germany and France to attend.
While the main aim of the event was to allow young academics and entrepreneurs to develop direct contact among themselves, the idea was also to mobilize youth around the general outlook of a win-win strategy of mutually beneficial development promoted by the BRICS and the SCO.
As observers, Ducke and Drochon were allowed to address the plenary session for ten minutes each. Their interventions, focused on the historical opportunity to escape from the countdown to war by mutual development, were received with great interest.
Drochon was able to evoke the crucial role played by the late Ukrainian-Russian scientist Vladimir Vernadsky and American physical economist Lyndon LaRouche, underlining the importance for mankind to make the necessary discoveries to allow for a better future in coherence with the evolution of life, the biosphere and the noösphere, i.e., the intervention of man as the thinking factor of evolution. Ducke developed the need for a new paradigm, based on the idea of a new renaissance for mankind and the need to collaborate on the common aims of mankind, against the Zeusian geopolitics of the oligarchy. After the Schiller delegates exposés, immediately Russian news agency Itar-TASS asked for an interview to get a better picture of what the Schiller Institute is all about.
Today, both delegates intervened again with presentations during the science panel, elaborating the Schiller Institute's campaign for the World Land-Bridge and LaRouche's parameters of increased potential relative population-density and energy-flux density as measures of economic value, as opposed to monetarism.
Most BRICS delegates were quite shocked by the fact that both the EU and the United States remained totally silent in the face of the perspectives now offered by the BRICS. Some of their own speeches were to the point. A young Brazilian started right away with the immediate threats posed by the financial crisis and the danger of world war. To overcome these dangers, he said, we have to defend national sovereignty. He also stressed that via Ukraine, fascism was returning to Europe, and he denounced Obama's Asia-Pivot war strategy. In a discussion, the speaker said he just didn't understand why people in the West continually bash the leaders of Brazil where hundreds of thousands of people have been pulled out of poverty.
More than 50 copies of the Schiller Institute's petition, "The U.S. and Europe Must Have the Courage to Reject Geopolitics and Collaborate with the BRICS," were given to delegates, and many, many individuals asked to be contacted for future discussions. The dialogue started by the Schiller Institute brought many other delegates to become more aware of the crucial role they not only can but should play, and the crucial change they can offer the world.