French Economist Sapir Backs Italian MP Fassina’s Call for ’National Liberation Fronts’ from the Euro
Aug. 1, 2015 (EIRNS)—Prominent French economist Jacques Sapir has endorsed Italian former Deputy Finance Minister Stefano Fassina’s call for "National Liberation Fronts" to dismantle the Eurozone, in an article dated July 31.
Sapir quotes from Fassina’s English-language article that was posted to the blog of former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, that "We need to admit that in the neo-liberal cage of the euro, the left loses its historical function and is dead as a force committed to the dignity and political relevance of labor and to social citizenship as a vehicle of effective democracy." Fassina concludes: "For a managed disintegration of the single currency, we must build a broad alliance of national liberation fronts."
Sapir states,
"This perspective is at present entirely justified. The Eurozone has indeed revealed itself to be a war machine at the service of an ideology, neo-liberalism, and of vested interests, those of finance and of an oligarchy without borders. The perspective proffered by Stefano Fassina is the one open to us now, which would be constituting an ’alliance of national liberation fronts’ of the Eurozone countries to get the tyrant to yield, and in order to dismantle the Eurozone."
Sapir considers this as the "implications" of the EU treatment of Greece, culminating with the absurd attempt to prosecute former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis for actions that indeed "he took for the greater good of the State which he was serving as Minister of Finance." Sapir refers to Varoufakis’ "Plan B" which included a secretly penetrating the computer system of the Greek tax system, which the chief prosecutor is investigating as an act of high treason.
This shows that "The Eurozone has henceforth become a monster, or more precisely, a tyrant, which has extricated itself from all rules."
If anyone should be tried, Sapir says, it is former Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras,
"who in reality has committed this act of High Treason in entrusting the tax administration to one (or several) foreign powers."
Or, European Central Bank President Mario Draghi whose actions
"imperiled the whole banking system, when one of its missions, duly inscribed in the charter of the ECB, is precisely to ensure the good and regular functioning of this banking system."
"If Yanis Varoufakis should be indicted, it would be logical, it would be just, for ECB [European Central Bank] President Mr. Draghi, as well as Eurogroup President Mr. Dijsselbloem, to be also."
[emphases all in Sapir’s original]