UNICEF Reports Saudis Have Killed at Least 1,000 Yemeni Children
Aug. 19, 2015 (EIRNS)—According to a report published by UNICEF, "Yemen: Childhood Under Threat," the indiscriminate Saudi air strikes inside Yemen are killing off at least eight children a day. Since March 26, when air strikes began, the Saudis and their allied Arab states have killed at least 1,000 Yemeni children. Releasing the report, UNICEF Representative in Yemen, Julien Harneis, said: "This conflict is a particular tragedy for Yemeni children. Children are being killed by bombs or bullets and those that survive face the growing threat of disease and malnutrition. This cannot be allowed to continue," UNICEF reported today. The report pointed out that across the country, nearly 10 million children, 80 percent of the country’s under-18 population, are in need of urgent humanitarian assistance. More than 1.3 million people have been forced to flee their homes.
Instead of helping to stop this massive human tragedy brought about by its allies, the Obama administration is busy helping the killers to kill more. According to a Los Angeles Times report cited by the Iran daily today, the United States has more than doubled the number of its military staff providing intelligence, munitions, and mid-air refueling for Saudi Arabia’s airstrikes on Yemen.
"The number of so-called American advisors working at joint military operations centers in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain has risen from 20 to 45."
In addition, U.S. warships have also helped enforce a naval blockade in the Gulf of Aden and southern Arabian Sea. Although U.S. officials claim the sea cordon is intended to prevent weapons shipments to Ansarullah fighters, "human rights groups say the blockade has hindered imports of basic commodities, including food and fuel, to the impoverished nation," The Iran Daily reported today.