Developing Countries Leery of Paris COP Intentions
Sept. 22, 2015 (EIRNS)—Climate-change negotiators from 13 countries of the self-named group of "Like-Minded Developing Countries" (LMDC) held two days of closed-door meetings in New Delhi Sept. 13-14 to coordinate their negotiating stances going into the big Paris climate-change conference in Paris in December. The nations which participated represented a broad cross-section of humanity: Argentina, Bolivia, China, Cuba, El Salvador, Ecuador, India, Iran, Malaysia, Nicaragua, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Vietnam.
While the final communique from the New Delhi LMDC meeting accepts the false premise of the "climate change" hoax, it also makes clear that a majority of the human race has not capitulated to the desperate drive by the British royal family and its minions to shackle the nations of the world to their Zeusian, anti-development dictatorship come December.
The key sentence in the statement issued at the end of their meeting reads as follows: "The LMDC expressed strong reservation against any obligatory review mechanism for increasing individual efforts of developing countries." Diplomatic language for recognition that "any obligatory review mechanism" means supranational dictatorship.
Otherwise, opposition centered on demands for "balanced" priorities; differentiated responsibilities for developing and developed countries; greater financial commitments from developed nations to "address the adverse social and economic impact of response measures in developing countries," and, most unfortunately, demands that developed nations submit to the destruction of their economies demanded in the name of "climate change."
Such demands for "climate justice," as Indian Environment Minister Shri Prakash Javadekar and Prime Minister Narendra Modi called them, while putting up road-blocks to a final agreement, miss the real intent of the whole fraudulent COP exercise.
EIR representatives, however, encountered sharp interest in EIR’s explosive "‘Global Warming’ Scare Is Population Reduction, Not Science" report when calling UN diplomatic missions in New York last week. EIR’s documentation that genocide is the intent of the whole scheme, clearly resonated with the suspicions of representatives from every continent, outside of the U.S. and the Western European nations, that they were up against yet another attempt to subjugate them. Few were the diplomats reached who rejected the proposition that the intent is outright evil; more were those thanked EIR for providing them with such "very important material."